Momina Zahra, Junior Consultant

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Google can choose to not apply the right to be forgotten globally

GoogleGDPRPrivacyEuropean Court of JusticeEUPersonal DataFreedom of informationPreliminary rulingEuropeData Protection AuthorityTransparencyDigital

On 24 September 2019 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) released a preliminary decision according to which Google is not bound to apply the "right to be forgotten" or "de-referencing" globally. Google preliminary ruling caseIn May 2015, the Fren...

RBA - Risk Based Approach: strengths and weaknesses

RBARisk Based ApproachRiskFinancial firmsAMLConduct RiskRisk ManagementGAFIFinancial InstitutionsDue DiligenceEWRAAnti Money LaunderingComplianceTerrorism Financing

In today’s financial challenging environment, institutions are exposed to numerous economic abuses making it necessary to activate preventive measures to decrease the risks. Among these, money laundering (ML), terrorist financing (TF), corruption, ...

How important are audit trails for your company?

Financial firmsAuditEthicsGovernanceConduct RiskRegTechTransparencyFinancial InstitutionsAMLMiFID2KYC

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a p...

Yassmina Berrayah - Pideeco Network Partner

Yassmina Berrayah


Drini Vula - Pideeco Network Partner

Drini Vula

Senior Consultant

Diogo Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner

Diogo Canario da Cunha

Senior Consultant

Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Network Partner

Jihane Ayasinen



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