Kanwal Parmjit, Traineeship

Partners, Regulatory Experts, Data Specialists, Professional Economists, Business Engineers, Accountants and Lawyers
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How can AML experts fight trade-base money laundering?

AMLComplianceRed FlagsTerrorism FinancingRiskFinancial SanctionsMoney Laundering

Beneath the seemingly ordinary surface of global commerce, criminals have created an underground world of complex schemes, where legitimate business transactions serve as a smokescreen for their illicit activities. How can anti-money laundering exper...

How do human traffickers launder money?

6AMLDAnti Money LaunderingDue DiligenceEthicsFATFMoney LaunderingKnow your CustomerRisk Based ApproachTransaction Monitoring

Every year, the freedom of millions of innocent lives are stolen while an illicit river of money continues to flow, concealed by sophisticated laundering strategies. These intertwined underworlds not only rob human dignity but pose a formidable chall...

GDPR Privacy Update: Fines, penalties and recent sanctions

GDPRData SecurityData breachFinancial SanctionsComplianceFinancial firmsPrivacyPersonal DataEuropean CommissionEU

It did not take long after the entry into force of GDPR on 25th May 2018 for many companies to revise their positions and business priorities following their initial scepticism towards the penalties that were to be imposed by the new regulation. The...

Andre Figueira De Carvalho - Pideeco Network Partner

Andre Figueira De Carvalho

Junior Consultant

Camille Crouzet - Pideeco Network Partner

Camille Crouzet

Junior Consultant

Diogo Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner

Diogo Canario da Cunha

Senior Consultant

Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Network Partner

Jihane Ayasinen



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