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Inside RegTech - Regulatory Compliance Technology

Money LaunderingKnow your CustomerRegTechMIFIDFinancial firmsFinancial InstitutionsDigitalFinTech

🎬 Introduction to RegTech and Regulatory ComplianceThe worldwide economic repercussions of the 2008 financial crisis led regulators to strengthen their regulations and controls against the financial market operators. Today, financial institutions ...

What are worldwide AML regulations for cryptocurrency ?

5AMLDAMLBlockchainComplianceDigitalCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEUEuropeFATFGAFIKYCMoney LaunderingTerrorism FinancingRisk

The popularity of cryptocurrencies has risen significantly in recent years, with more individuals and businesses using them for a variety of purposes, including international money transfers and online purchases. In order to protect the integrity of ...

What can be done to improve the efficiency of AML fines?

AMLAnti Money LaunderingComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial InstitutionsGovernanceMoney Laundering

The heavy fines imposed on financial institutions for AML deficiencies over the years have frequently fallen short in achieving their goals. This inefficiency is manifest in the repeat offending of such banks, the heavy burden it places on them, and ...

Ana Pinto - Pideeco Network Partner

Ana Pinto


Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Network Partner

Jihane Ayasinen


Drini Vula - Pideeco Network Partner

Drini Vula

Senior Consultant

Maxime Martens  - Pideeco Network Partner

Maxime Martens



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