Simon Gerin, Traineeship

Partners, Regulatory Experts, Data Specialists, Professional Economists, Business Engineers, Accountants and Lawyers
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What are financial crime threats in the metaverse?

Anti Money LaunderingComplianceData breachDigitalDue DiligenceFATFKnow your CustomerKYCMoney LaunderingPersonal Data

Facebook made a splash in October 2021 when it rebranded itself to Meta and announced an investment of $10 billion to create its own metaverse project. But the tech giant is just a drop in a larger ocean. It is estimated that over 160 companies, inc...

How important are audit trails for your company?

Financial firmsAuditEthicsGovernanceConduct RiskRegTechTransparencyFinancial InstitutionsAMLMiFID2KYC

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a p...

The hidden costs of golden visas

AMLKYCEuropeMonitoringPrivacyReportingInvestment5AMLDRussiaTransparencyFinancial SanctionsDue DiligenceCorruptionFinancial Institutions

Over the past years, the golden visa has seen a surge in participation in its programmes. But along with its rising popularity, corruption and AML risks have also seeped into its core. Many argue that citizenship is a public good, not a commodity for...

Michel Cliquet - Pideeco Network Partner

Michel Cliquet

Senior Consultant

Manon Rase - Pideeco Network Partner

Manon Rase


Laetitia Orfila - Pideeco Network Partner

Laetitia Orfila


Mariam Debaisieux - Pideeco Network Partner

Mariam Debaisieux



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