Pideeco Network

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AML: What is adverse media or negative news?

ComplianceAnti Money LaunderingRegTechKnow your CustomerRed FlagsKYCDue DiligenceAMLMoney LaunderingKYC

The digital era has given KYC analysts unprecedented access to a plethora of information on individuals and companies. Newspaper articles, online blogs, and social media are accessible and filterable with one click and may reveal important news on a ...

How important are audit trails for your company?

Financial firmsAuditEthicsGovernanceConduct RiskRegTechTransparencyFinancial InstitutionsAMLMiFID2KYC

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a p...

How do human traffickers launder money?

6AMLDAnti Money LaunderingDue DiligenceEthicsFATFMoney LaunderingKnow your CustomerRisk Based ApproachTransaction Monitoring

Every year, the freedom of millions of innocent lives are stolen while an illicit river of money continues to flow, concealed by sophisticated laundering strategies. These intertwined underworlds not only rob human dignity but pose a formidable chall...

Manon Rase - Pideeco Network Partner

Manon Rase


Kenza Kibour - Pideeco Network Partner

Kenza Kibour


Andre Figueira De Carvalho - Pideeco Network Partner

Andre Figueira De Carvalho

Junior Consultant

Yassmina Berrayah - Pideeco Network Partner

Yassmina Berrayah



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