Pideeco Network

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How important are audit trails for your company?

Financial firmsAuditEthicsGovernanceConduct RiskRegTechTransparencyFinancial InstitutionsAMLMiFID2KYC

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a p...

How are charities used for money laundering?

AMLAnti Money LaunderingCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEthicsFinancial SanctionsKnow your CustomerKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsTerrorism Financing

As funds flow into the hands of charities, an unsettling question arises: is your donation inadvertently fueling money laundering activities? While the noble intentions behind charitable giving inspires positive change, criminals have exploited the r...

What is good corporate governance?

Conduct RiskGovernanceCompliance expertComplianceFinancial firmsFinancial InstitutionsConsultant

Corporate governance standards are a framework within which operational and behavioural standards for the board, the executive management and the wider staff are set. Hierarchy in harmony. It comes largely with an accountability movement, better mana...

Kenza Kibour - Pideeco Network Partner

Kenza Kibour


Stefano Siggia - Pideeco Network Partner

Stefano Siggia

Senior Consultant

Nisrine Karafi - Pideeco Network Partner

Nisrine Karafi


Ruben Constantino David - Pideeco Network Partner

Ruben Constantino David

Junior Consultant


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