Social, Environmental and Ethical values, governance standards and selfless contribution

About our business
We are part of Clean Advantage program that invests in many projects to reduce CO2, provide habitats for wildlife, clean landfills, and develop local parks and recreational space for people to enjoy.
Learn moreReasons to work with us
Is Pideeco eco friendly and how is this reflected in the day to day work ?
Pideeco keeps its employees informed of major news linked to sustainable development, with the purpose to making eco-friendly behaviours the machinery behind reducing the company's...
What feels like working at Pideeco ?
For us it is important that you share our vision and this will make you feel at home, will ensure the growth in knowledge and self-esteem. We will guide you, but at the same time c...
How handles Pideeco its car park ?
As a Brussels based company we stimulate to drive petrol, hybride or electric cars to lower the company/'s footprint. We are also part of the Clean Advantage program that invests i...
Gender Equality policy
Does Pideeco stimulate the equal gender ? As partners we set diversity high on the agenda and do not discriminate across gender, race, disability and sexual orientation... the only...
Growing up sales
As commercial company we want to continuously grow. This is not only about numbers but also about growing in human capital and in knowledge. Pideeco wants to maintain a high standard of market knowledge by attracting professionals with different academic and professional backgrounds. We focus on a healthy growing of our profits by delivering services compliant with our Corporate Social Responsibility. The wish of our clients and ours is to be engaged in profitable interests with potential benefits for our human, social, natural environment.
Business strategy
Pideeco’s working plan for achieving its vision, prioritizing objectives, competing successfully, and optimizing financial performance with its business model is based on Pareto Principle, meaning that we try to avoid that 80% of our income is generated by 20% of the clients. This ensures more financial stability to Pideeco and more confidence to our clients. This gives us the energy to expand our client list, acquiring diversified experience and in-depth knowledge.
Increase market presence
The balance between market presence and discretion for the sake of your client is key. Our Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the basic reasons that our market presence has increased but it is also the reason that we try to balance our visibility for the grace of specific projects and clients. Pideeco is seen by its customers as a reliable, trustworthy business partner. We participate frequently in conferences and workshops, sharing knowledge and insights of the compliance world.
What are consultants without a challenge ? The hassle to ameliorate processes, systems, ways of working is our natural habitat.
"...our fuel will be your problems and we do not fear the unknown, we will find the solution."