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Insider Dealing
Compliance Consultancy Financial Crime Insider Dealing
Insider dealing (the term "insider trading" is also frequently used) arises when a person possesses inside information and uses that information to acquire or dispose financial instruments, on its account or the account of someone else. Insider dealing gives an unfair advantage to the person that uses the inside information.
One of the actions that the European Union legislative bodies took to increase the confidence of investors in the market is to enhance the efforts for harmonisation and clearer rules for market abuse. Insider dealing is one type of unlawful action that can be used to manipulate the market. The Directive 2014/57/EU strengthened and replaced the former Market Abuse Directive.
The provisions for insider dealing apply, among others, to the following:
- financial instruments that trade on regulated markets,
- financial instruments traded on a multilateral trading facility (hereafter "MTF")
- financial instruments traded on an organised trading facility (hereafter "OTF")
- financial instruments which price/value depends on the price/value of one of the above instruments.
The above financial instruments should comply with the provisions of insider dealing and non-compliance with these rules constitutes a criminal offence. Even the attempted insider dealing is a criminal offence according to the Directive.
The aim of the EU legislation on this subject is to ensure that all the market players have access to the same facts and the same data. In this way, the EU ensures transparency and fair markets. Following this direction, the Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014, (hereafter "MAR") was published emphasising administrative sanctions and member state authorities investigative powers. For example, the relevant authorities have the right to access the premises of suspicious people or entities to obtain documents or other material like recordings of telephone conversations or emails.
EU legislation is continuously amended to protect the markets from another crisis and to promote further financial involvement in the EU. The legal framework becomes stricter and more detailed. Pideeco is here to offer you consulting services and keep your business compliant and up-to-date with the relevant rules and obligations.
Preventive methodologies to fight market abuses
One of the actions that the European Union legislative bodies took to increase the confidence of investors in the market is to enhance the efforts for harmonisation and clearer rules for market abuse. Insider dealing is one type of unlawful action that can be used to manipulate the market. The Directive 2014/57/EU strengthened and replaced the former Market Abuse Directive.
The provisions for insider dealing apply, among others, to the following:
- financial instruments that trade on regulated markets,
- financial instruments traded on a multilateral trading facility (hereafter "MTF")
- financial instruments traded on an organised trading facility (hereafter "OTF")
- financial instruments which price/value depends on the price/value of one of the above instruments.
The above financial instruments should comply with the provisions of insider dealing and non-compliance with these rules constitutes a criminal offence. Even the attempted insider dealing is a criminal offence according to the Directive.
The aim of the EU legislation on this subject is to ensure that all the market players have access to the same facts and the same data. In this way, the EU ensures transparency and fair markets. Following this direction, the Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014, (hereafter "MAR") was published emphasising administrative sanctions and member state authorities investigative powers. For example, the relevant authorities have the right to access the premises of suspicious people or entities to obtain documents or other material like recordings of telephone conversations or emails.
EU legislation is continuously amended to protect the markets from another crisis and to promote further financial involvement in the EU. The legal framework becomes stricter and more detailed. Pideeco is here to offer you consulting services and keep your business compliant and up-to-date with the relevant rules and obligations.
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