Chloe Cauchois, Junior Consultant

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CSRD: Are you really ready for the new era of CSR reporting?

CSRDNFRDEuropeEnvironmentalTransparencySustainabilityEFRAGDirectiveDouble materiality

The Corporate sustainability reporting guideline (CSRD) is a new European regulation designed to enhance corporate transparency in terms of sustainable development. It replaces the Directive on the publication of non-financial and diversity-related ...

AML: What is adverse media or negative news?

ComplianceAnti Money LaunderingRegTechKnow your CustomerRed FlagsKYCDue DiligenceAMLMoney LaunderingKYC

The digital era has given KYC analysts unprecedented access to a plethora of information on individuals and companies. Newspaper articles, online blogs, and social media are accessible and filterable with one click and may reveal important news on a ...

What are worldwide AML regulations for cryptocurrency ?

5AMLDAMLBlockchainComplianceDigitalCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEUEuropeFATFGAFIKYCMoney LaunderingTerrorism FinancingRisk

The popularity of cryptocurrencies has risen significantly in recent years, with more individuals and businesses using them for a variety of purposes, including international money transfers and online purchases. In order to protect the integrity of ...

Mariam Debaisieux - Pideeco Network Partner

Mariam Debaisieux


Thomas Turcksin - Pideeco Network Partner

Thomas Turcksin

Junior Consultant

Oscar Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner

Oscar Canario da Cunha

Managing Director

Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Network Partner

Jihane Ayasinen



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