Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance aims to keep companies in balance with the new challenges of a digital and globalized market on the one side and the interests of employees, shareholders, different stakeholders, and ethics on the other.
What is corporate governance?

Europe 2020 and the EU Action Plan (2012) are examples of how important corporate governance is for the European Commission for the sustainable economy among EU Member States. In the EU, if a company decides to deviate from rules of a corporate governance code, the company must publish and explain this deviation to its shareholders via its annual report.
How can Pideeco help you with Corporate Governance?
Because it takes a lot of time, money, and talent to create and put into practice governance frameworks and procedures that fulfil stakeholder expectations and legal obligations, good corporate governance can be challenging for businesses. Our decade-long experience at Pideeco can help your company to:- Assess your policies, procedures, and rules to find any gaps and improve their content.
- Draft any missing policies and procedures that are relevant to your company.
- Navigate the complex regulatory and fast-moving landscape and find gaps within your company.
- Evaluate your corporate governance processes and aid you in improving them.
- Cooperate with you to how to best approach stakeholders.
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