Technology Driven Business
The challenge to best leverage modern technology is to make people aware of the benefit of constantly revisiting their standards

Business Solutions

Technology Driven Business Business Solutions

The challenge is to make our customers aware of the added value of reviewing their company standards to best leverage today's technological advantages.

Nowadays, we get a sense that the continually increasing volume, velocity and dynamic nature of data makes it impossible for analysts alone to process and structure all risk-relevant data that is generated each day by their business. By harnessing the latest technology, such as advanced metrics or Artificial Intelligence, Pideeco makes it possible to identify relevant risks efficiently and cost-effectively.

With customers more connected than ever, who expect meaningful engagement, and with experience to support them, the expected level of Business Solutions provided is high.

Pideeco focuses on bringing innovative, project-critical solutions that offer you better uptime, improve efficiency, and offer flexible, scalable systems that meet the specific needs of your business.

Our services are available in mobile and connected devices offering a unique customer experience, and they include, among others, services of:
- Predictive Analytics
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Conversational Applications
- Web Solutions and Platforms
- Portals and Collaboration

Get in touch with the team to learn more.
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We'll present you the technology to stop money laundering and terrorist financing

Domain Experts
Laetitia Orfila - Pideeco Network Partner
Laetitia Orfila
Junior Consultant
Piet De Vreese - Pideeco Network Partner
Piet De Vreese
Managing Director
Oscar Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner
Oscar Canario da Cunha
Managing Director
Diogo Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner
Diogo Canario da Cunha
Senior Consultant
How effective are AML fines?
Stefano Siggia

Considered a strong deterrent against financial crime, AML fines seem to be little more than symbolic slaps on the wrist for financial institutions with vast pockets. With trillions of dollars being freely laundered every year and ambiguous structural changes required t...

Read more Author What else ?
How effective are AML fines? - Pideeco Journal