Laetitia Orfila, Traineeship

Partners, Regulatory Experts, Data Specialists, Professional Economists, Business Engineers, Accountants and Lawyers
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How effective are AML fines?

Anti Money LaunderingAudit FindingsComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial InstitutionsFinancial firmsMoney LaunderingRisk Based Approach

Considered a strong deterrent against financial crime, AML fines seem to be little more than symbolic slaps on the wrist for financial institutions with vast pockets. With trillions of dollars being freely laundered every year and ambiguous structura...

MiFID: Time for information transparency

Financial firmsMIFIDFinancial firmsInvestment FundsUCITSMiFID2ESMAPRIIPSTransparencyCompliance

MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) was put into force in November 2007 and was created with the objective of harmonising Europe's financial landscape. This Directive changed how the financial markets worked and especially how they ...

The effectiveness of financial sanctions and embargos

ComplianceEuropeFinancial SanctionsRed FlagsPolitically Exposed PersonsRussiaTransaction

Financial sanctions and embargos have long been used by governments and international organizations as a means of applying economic pressure on rogue states in order to achieve political objectives. These measures aim to restrict or cut off the flow ...

Stefano Siggia - Pideeco Network Partner

Stefano Siggia

Senior Consultant

Kenza Kibour - Pideeco Network Partner

Kenza Kibour


Michel Cliquet - Pideeco Network Partner

Michel Cliquet

Senior Consultant

Maxime Martens  - Pideeco Network Partner

Maxime Martens



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