Management Firm
Human tailored Company
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Management Firm
Human tailored Company
As a management firm, Pideeco has developed through industry experience the ability to assess business processes on their effectiveness. Starting from scratch and building the structure and the governance is also of great benefit for human tailored companies and independent professions.
Being and staying compliant with all parts of the business can be a burden, that's why assistance in the start-up of the business is necessary. SMEs are in need of assistance and access to finance, automation in financial and administrative burdens, HR development, and independent board members. Strategical decisions benefit from outsourcing these tasks.
Serving as non-executive director to tackle sensitive issues can make the difference in creating the credibility of your company. This type of mentoring is a big step but ensures impartiality along the road. The importance of an external independent view can help to save time allowing youto focus on the core business of developing the business or products. This type of delegation is a win-win situation in the long run.
Being and staying compliant with all parts of the business can be a burden, that's why assistance in the start-up of the business is necessary. SMEs are in need of assistance and access to finance, automation in financial and administrative burdens, HR development, and independent board members. Strategical decisions benefit from outsourcing these tasks.
Business solutions for your company's daily needs
Internal administration : Company Financial examination
Submitting loan applications, assemble KYC package for the own company, filing reports (UBO register, draft working conditions, remuneration policies or outsourcee contractsare a few examples of where we can assist. And who better understand the outsourced functions than the outsourcee.Serving as non-executive director to tackle sensitive issues can make the difference in creating the credibility of your company. This type of mentoring is a big step but ensures impartiality along the road. The importance of an external independent view can help to save time allowing youto focus on the core business of developing the business or products. This type of delegation is a win-win situation in the long run.
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An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a procedure or any othe...
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