Luisa Nadege Cafi, Junior Consultant

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Luisa Nadege Cafi

With Pideeco since January, 2022
Nadège is a junior consultant who recently graduated with a master's degree in law. By joining Pideeco in January 2022, Nadège was introduced to the basic scope of financial reporting regulations. She excels at working as part of a team to achieve objectives on time and with excellence.
She is a proactive person who is not afraid to work in a fast moving environment. She is meticulous and detail-oriented. She is eager to learn and enjoys a challenge. She has a genuine interest in business management and the success of organisations.

More work

How is real estate used for money laundering?

6AMLDAnti Money LaunderingCorruptionComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial SanctionsFinancial InstitutionsKnow your CustomerMoney Laundering

In February of 2022, Transparency International revealed that Russians linked to the Kremlin or with corruption charges had invested £1.5 billion in the UK property market, mostly through companies held in Britain’s overseas territories and crown...

The KYC Guide for Russian Professional Counterparties

ComplianceFinancial firmsKYCAMLRisk Based ApproachRussiaFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEurope

How to conduct KYC on Russian Counterparties ?Doing business with Russian entities in non-sanctioned sectors of the economy requires some specific attention points regarding client due diligence (the risk exposure assessment process of clients to mon...

Regulatory Compliance for Insurance and Reinsurance Firms

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Insurance/reinsurance companies play an important role for the European economy. Many European countries, among them Belgium, are listed in the top 20 OECD countries with the highest gross insurance premiums, with Belgian premiums reaching around 30...

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