Stefano Siggia, Senior Consultant

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Stefano Siggia

With Pideeco since January, 2020
Stefano Siggia is an anti-money laundering specialist focused on AML/CTF. His expertise includes investigations, transaction monitoring, sanctions, and PEPs.
Stefano joined Pideeco in January of 2020 after having worked in the realm of banking for 7 years. Before settling in Compliance, Stefano acquired experience in different departments, including Private Banking and payments, which allowed him to gain a full 360-degree view of the working of a financial institution.

More work

The KYC Guide for Russian Professional Counterparties

ComplianceFinancial firmsKYCAMLRisk Based ApproachRussiaFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEurope

How to conduct KYC on Russian Counterparties ?Doing business with Russian entities in non-sanctioned sectors of the economy requires some specific attention points regarding client due diligence (the risk exposure assessment process of clients to mon...

What are the impacts of Financial Data Leaks?

Politically Exposed Persons6AMLDDPATransparencyData SecurityKnow your CustomerEuropean CommissionData breachDigitalMoney LaunderingCorruption

In the past decade, a series of leaks from insider sources have shed light on the complex systems of money laundering, tax evasion, and fraud perpetrated by certain countries and wealthy individuals. The profound work carried out by international jo...

Open Banking - PSD2: the future of financial services

FinTechFinancial InstitutionsPSD2NPPSEUFacebookEurope

The future of banking is changing and Open Banking is an emerging trend that will evolve the banking world and lead the sector to a digital era. Open Banking transition explainedAccording to the definition provided by "Open Banking Europe", the t...

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