Ana Pinto, Traineeship
Ana Pinto
With Pideeco since January, 2021
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What is the impact of the EU whistleblowing legislation?
BelgiumComplianceData SecurityEuropeEUWhistleblowingTax HavensPersonal DataWhistleblowing became a subject of concern when major consequences produced by Swiss Leaks and Lux Leaks made the case for a change in the European framework. In both cases, the whistleblowers worked for private companies prior to leaking information...
How to write the perfect SAR?
Anti Money LaunderingAMLAudit FindingsComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial SanctionsKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsRisk Based ApproachReportingTransaction MonitoringSuspicious Activity Reports (SAR) drafted by financial institutions contain some of the most valuable information available to law enforcement agencies in the fight against financial crime. Yet, the FinCEN Files scandal of 2020 has shown that major ...
How to remotely identify clients and become PSD2 compliant?
PSD2EuropeDigitalFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEUComplianceFinancial firmsThe European Banking Authority (EBA) published in June 2019 an : Opinion on the elements of strong customer authentication (SCA) under the revised : Payment Services Directive (PSD2) . The Opinion provides non-exhaustive lists of the authentication e...