Sarah Quintana Martinez, Traineeship

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Sarah Quintana Martinez

With Pideeco since June, 2021

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How to detect COVID-19 financial crimes?

Know your CustomerMoney LaunderingDarkwebTransaction MonitoringAMLTransparencyRisk Based ApproachComplianceTax HavensAnti Money LaunderingCompliance expertFATFDetection Scenarios

While the world is on hold, financial crime has not taken a step back amidst the coronavirus emergency. Scammers, money launderers, and fraudsters have begun to exploit the weaknesses in the economy and in the fearful and worried population. As the...

GDPR Privacy Update: Fines, penalties and recent sanctions

GDPRData SecurityData breachFinancial SanctionsComplianceFinancial firmsPrivacyPersonal DataEuropean CommissionEU

It did not take long after the entry into force of GDPR on 25th May 2018 for many companies to revise their positions and business priorities following their initial scepticism towards the penalties that were to be imposed by the new regulation. The...

What are Hawala transactions and how do they work?

European CommissionHawalaMoney LaunderingAMLKnow your CustomerDue DiligenceTransaction MonitoringFinancial operationsRed FlagsKYC

In February 2019, another criminal group was arrested in Europe for laundering money through hawala transactions. Based on the Europol press release, the cooperation between French and Italian police led to the arrest of 19 suspects. Algerian authori...

Chloe Cauchois - Pideeco Network Partner

Chloe Cauchois

Junior Consultant

Laetitia Orfila - Pideeco Network Partner

Laetitia Orfila


Andre Figueira De Carvalho - Pideeco Network Partner

Andre Figueira De Carvalho

Junior Consultant

Omar Morabet Chergui - Pideeco Network Partner

Omar Morabet Chergui



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