Sarah Quintana Martinez, Traineeship

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Sarah Quintana Martinez

With Pideeco since June, 2021

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The UBO Register in practice | Belgium

UBOUBO RegisterAMLFinancial InstitutionsOECDEuropeEUBelgium

Is the UBO Register useful during KYC processes?It was a tedious job to complete the UBO Register for companies. There were a number of start-up problems that made it difficult to transmit all the data on time. We were finally able to do so, but ...

Financing terrorism: The billion-dollar blood antiquities art dealing

5AMLDTerrorism FinancingHawalaArt DealingDarkwebISIS

The destruction of the ancient city of Palmyra and the beheading of its Antiquities Chief, Khaled al-Asaad, in 2015 by the hands of the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) are still fresh in the minds of many. Beginning in 2014, the terrorist group...

Environmental Crimes & Money Laundering

EnvironmentalMoney Laundering6AMLDEUWhistleblowingGreen CrimeRed FlagsAML

The coronavirus pandemic has reinforced the hunger to urge world leaders to take consistent action to fight climate change. The yearning for a profound change and not a “back to normal” has been seen in the past months with the open letter signe...

Maxime Martens  - Pideeco Network Partner

Maxime Martens


Laetitia Orfila - Pideeco Network Partner

Laetitia Orfila

Junior Consultant

Oscar Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner

Oscar Canario da Cunha

Managing Director

Omar Morabet Chergui - Pideeco Network Partner

Omar Morabet Chergui



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