Drini Vula, Senior Consultant

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Drini Vula

With Pideeco since January, 2023
Drini Vula holds a bachelor in Laws and is currently pursuing a Master of Laws with a focus on International and European Law.
He possesses a deep understanding of the insurance industry and legal matters in general. He is highly analytical and consistently seeks to expand his knowledge and skills through new challenges. Drini is an effective communicator and is dedicated to serving his team.

More work

How are shell companies used for money laundering?

AML5AMLDAnti Money LaunderingCorruptionComplianceEUEthicsKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsTax Havens

In 2016, Panama Papers exposed a vast database of 214.000 offshore shell companies used by a variety of individuals and companies for tax evasion, money laundering, and corruption. The scandal sent shockwaves across the world, revealing the detriment...

How is money laundered through football?

AMLCorruptionMoney LaunderingAnti Money LaunderingEthicsKnow your CustomerDue DiligenceCompliance5AMLDRed Flags

In May 2015, the biggest scandal in football history (known as “FIFA Gate”) led to seven FIFA executives being arrested in Zurich. The accusations focused on the use of bribery, fraud, and money laundering to rig the $150 million media and market...

The KYC Guide for Russian Professional Counterparties

ComplianceFinancial firmsKYCAMLRisk Based ApproachRussiaFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEurope

How to conduct KYC on Russian Counterparties ?Doing business with Russian entities in non-sanctioned sectors of the economy requires some specific attention points regarding client due diligence (the risk exposure assessment process of clients to mon...

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