Drini Vula, Senior Consultant

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Drini Vula

With Pideeco since January, 2023
Drini Vula holds a bachelor in Laws and is currently pursuing a Master of Laws with a focus on International and European Law.
He possesses a deep understanding of the insurance industry and legal matters in general. He is highly analytical and consistently seeks to expand his knowledge and skills through new challenges. Drini is an effective communicator and is dedicated to serving his team.

More work

The UBO Register in practice | Belgium

UBOUBO RegisterAMLFinancial InstitutionsOECDEuropeEUBelgium

Is the UBO Register useful during KYC processes?It was a tedious job to complete the UBO Register for companies. There were a number of start-up problems that made it difficult to transmit all the data on time. We were finally able to do so, but ...

MiFID: Time for information transparency

Financial firmsMIFIDFinancial firmsInvestment FundsUCITSMiFID2ESMAPRIIPSTransparencyCompliance

MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) was put into force in November 2007 and was created with the objective of harmonising Europe's financial landscape. This Directive changed how the financial markets worked and especially how they ...

How to write the perfect SAR?

Anti Money LaunderingAMLAudit FindingsComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial SanctionsKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsRisk Based ApproachReportingTransaction Monitoring

Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) drafted by financial institutions contain some of the most valuable information available to law enforcement agencies in the fight against financial crime. Yet, the FinCEN Files scandal of 2020 has shown that major ...

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