Oscar Canario da Cunha, Managing Director

Partners, Regulatory Experts, Data Specialists, Professional Economists, Business Engineers, Accountants and Lawyers
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Oscar Canario da Cunha

With Pideeco since April, 2017
Legal background and in-depth contemporary knowledge of Finance and Banking European Regulation, Institutions and Supervisors. Oscar is experienced in banking and financial regulation specializing in legal regulatory risk requirements and technical implementation. Experienced in design and technical development, and result-oriented, he assists on projects with high proficiency and ensures that information transits effectively.
Oscar has a track record of automating controls, Friendly-user safe input systems and proof bespoke solutions. Invested in regulatory and information technology domains. Part of international Financial and Central Compliance Projects, constantly developing regulatory knowledge and digital skills to best serve client s objectives with advices and trending cost-efficient business apps.

More work

How to build an effective KYC program

AMLAuditCompliance expertComplianceDue DiligenceKnow your CustomerKYCPolitically Exposed Persons

In an era where technology evolves at a rapid pace, criminals are quick to adapt, developing increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities within financial systems and testing the boundaries of traditional KYC practices. How can compl...

Google can choose to not apply the right to be forgotten globally

GoogleGDPRPrivacyEuropean Court of JusticeEUPersonal DataFreedom of informationPreliminary rulingEuropeData Protection AuthorityTransparencyDigital

On 24 September 2019 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) released a preliminary decision according to which Google is not bound to apply the "right to be forgotten" or "de-referencing" globally. Google preliminary ruling caseIn May 2015, the Fren...

What are worldwide AML regulations for cryptocurrency ?

5AMLDAMLBlockchainComplianceDigitalCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEUEuropeFATFGAFIKYCMoney LaunderingTerrorism FinancingRisk

The popularity of cryptocurrencies has risen significantly in recent years, with more individuals and businesses using them for a variety of purposes, including international money transfers and online purchases. In order to protect the integrity of ...

Damian Vildosola Truche - Pideeco Network Partner

Damian Vildosola Truche

Senior Consultant

Manon Rase - Pideeco Network Partner

Manon Rase


Yassmina Berrayah - Pideeco Network Partner

Yassmina Berrayah


Laetitia Orfila - Pideeco Network Partner

Laetitia Orfila



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