Oscar Canario da Cunha, Managing Director

Partners, Regulatory Experts, Data Specialists, Professional Economists, Business Engineers, Accountants and Lawyers
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Oscar Canario da Cunha

With Pideeco since April, 2017
Legal background and in-depth contemporary knowledge of Finance and Banking European Regulation, Institutions and Supervisors. Oscar is experienced in banking and financial regulation specializing in legal regulatory risk requirements and technical implementation. Experienced in design and technical development, and result-oriented, he assists on projects with high proficiency and ensures that information transits effectively.
Oscar has a track record of automating controls, Friendly-user safe input systems and proof bespoke solutions. Invested in regulatory and information technology domains. Part of international Financial and Central Compliance Projects, constantly developing regulatory knowledge and digital skills to best serve client s objectives with advices and trending cost-efficient business apps.

More work

How effective are AML fines?

Anti Money LaunderingAudit FindingsComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial InstitutionsFinancial firmsMoney LaunderingRisk Based Approach

Considered a strong deterrent against financial crime, AML fines seem to be little more than symbolic slaps on the wrist for financial institutions with vast pockets. With trillions of dollars being freely laundered every year and ambiguous structura...

Inside RegTech - Regulatory Compliance Technology

Money LaunderingKnow your CustomerRegTechMIFIDFinancial firmsFinancial InstitutionsDigitalFinTech

🎬 Introduction to RegTech and Regulatory ComplianceThe worldwide economic repercussions of the 2008 financial crisis led regulators to strengthen their regulations and controls against the financial market operators. Today, financial institutions ...

How do human traffickers launder money?

6AMLDAnti Money LaunderingDue DiligenceEthicsFATFMoney LaunderingKnow your CustomerRisk Based ApproachTransaction Monitoring

Every year, the freedom of millions of innocent lives are stolen while an illicit river of money continues to flow, concealed by sophisticated laundering strategies. These intertwined underworlds not only rob human dignity but pose a formidable chall...

Damian Vildosola Truche - Pideeco Network Partner

Damian Vildosola Truche

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Camille Crouzet - Pideeco Network Partner

Camille Crouzet

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Kenza Kibour - Pideeco Network Partner

Kenza Kibour


Thomas Turcksin - Pideeco Network Partner

Thomas Turcksin

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