As there is no one-size fits all within the financial services, the recent and future initiatives will depend upon the industry they are operating in, but as well on the circumstances in the market.
The shift in focus from principles to outcomes, makes conduct risk a very difficult topic for financial firms.
How to redefine Risk Governance standards?
In the last financial crisis, all financial institutions faced severe impacts for their reputational risk and are still struggling to put governance in place. They even have a different view on how their governance should look like.Within the Eurozone no clear initiatives in that direction have been noticed. The competent authorities are collecting information without giving feedback. As a consultancy firm, we have insights that can be of great benefit to sail the right course.
Conduct risk can be seen as part of compliance but also interacting with other risk functions and customer services (sales force, commercial management, operations). In conduct risk more emphasis will be put on corporate governance and senior management accountability and buy in from the middle management.
Requiring Assistance ?
We can assist on governance, procedures and processes by combining expertise in different sectors. Not by re-inventing the wheel but rolling out tailor-made solutions that fit the firm from a customer-centric view; whilst doing we will build on the expertise of the IT companies and tools behind us.Our culture of anticipating, clear communication and strong listening skills will ensure a robust framework for your company.