Technology Driven Business
The challenge to best leverage modern technology is to make people aware of the benefit of constantly revisiting their standards

Technology Driven Business

The challenge to best leverage modern technology is to make people aware of the benefit of constantly revisiting their standards

The challenge is to make our customers aware of the added value of revisiting their company standards in order to best leverage today's technology advantages.
Nowadays we get a sense that the constantly increasing volume, velocity and dynamic nature of data makes it impossible for analysts alone to process and structure all risk-relevant data that is generated each day by their business. By harnessing the latest technology, such as advanced metrics or Artificial Intelligence, guided and quality assurance by risk experts such as Pideeco makes it possible to identify relevant risks efficiently and cost-effectively.

What do we do?

We start by taking the time to know you, your business model, your company's current configuration and professional objectives. We then analyze how best can technology work to your competitive advantage.

How do we work?

During the project, a dedicated team of business specialists will target the critical elements and close the gap to define cost-efficient internal processes that speed up productivity and improve work efficiency. With more than 30 years of operational expertise in the financial sector, and supported by our development team, we are confident we will help your company get ahead of technology standards and help you build proficient tech-revenue.

Which domains do we cover?

Our professional customer services have given us the satisfaction of experiencing several business industries by developing a wide range of functional, dedicated, or hosted platforms along the years. Our previous achievements of full development delivery include general business management software (employee, billing and documentation management, knowledge management systems, intranet,...) and in-depth business-oriented internal workflows and platforms. Pideeco adds value by combining technique and professional expertise, helping businesses make the transition to automated centralized systems.
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 Oscar Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner class=
Oscar Canario da Cunha
Managing Director
"We have innovative solutions for all your needs"
Domain Experts
Diogo Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner
Diogo Canario da Cunha
Senior Consultant
Piet De Vreese - Pideeco Network Partner
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Managing Director
Oscar Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner
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Managing Director
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Oscar Canario da Cunha

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AML Transaction Monitoring & Detection Scenarios - Pideeco Journal