Pideeco Network

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How can criminology help us understand white collar crime?

CorruptionMoney LaunderingPolitically Exposed PersonsRed FlagsRisk Based ApproachWhite Collar CrimeCriminologyOccupational Fraud

Though rare in corporate or finance environments, criminology offers valuable insights. Despite "white-collar crime" often costing more than street crime, society tends to overlook it. Analyzing corporate misconduct through a crimilogical lens reveal...

EU proposals: cross-border distribution of investment funds

UCITSAIFsCapital Markets UnionESMAEuropean CommissionEUMIFIDInvestment FundsMiFID2

A Proposal for a Directive which will amend, the Directive 2009/65/EC (UCITS IV Directive) and the Directive 2011/61/EU (AIFMD), was adopted on 12 March 2018 by the European Commission. The aim of the new Directive will be to facilitate the cross-bo...

How to book a good consultant for your projects?

GovernanceComplianceProcurementKnow your CustomerFinancial InstitutionsCompliance expertFinTechAudit FindingsConsultantAMLFinancial firms

From an extra pair of hands to the person that advises on strategical decisions and the future of your company, consultants have become an important and integral part of companies and financial institutions all over world. The consultancy industry h...

Hans Torres - Pideeco Network Partner

Hans Torres


Drini Vula - Pideeco Network Partner

Drini Vula

Senior Consultant

Mariam Debaisieux - Pideeco Network Partner

Mariam Debaisieux

Junior Consultant

Manon Rase - Pideeco Network Partner

Manon Rase

Junior Consultant


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