Andre Figueira De Carvalho, Junior Consultant

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Andre Figueira De Carvalho

With Pideeco since September, 2021
André Figueira De Carvalho has a bachelor's degree in accounting with a tax option from EPHEC. He has excellent knowledge of accounting and business in general. His academic training and projects with Pideeco have allowed him to develop his knowledge of regulatory compliance principles and to develop his management skills.
Calm, precise and rigorous by nature, his ambition and desire to learn quickly and efficiently allows him to grow on a daily life. His calmness in the face of stressful situations helps him to make right decisions. He has good communication skills and does not hesitate to put himself at the service of the team.

More work

AML - KYC : Impacts of the 4th AML Directive (AMLD4)

ComplianceFinancial firmsKYCAMLFinancial SanctionsPolitically Exposed PersonsEuropeEUEuropean CommissionAnti Money Laundering

What will be the impacts of implementation of the Fourth AML EU Directive (2015/849) ?Since 1991, the European Union has regularly implemented new anti-money laundering directives. On the 20th of May 2015, the European Parliament and the Council issu...

How to build an effective KYC program

AMLAuditCompliance expertComplianceDue DiligenceKnow your CustomerKYCPolitically Exposed Persons

In an era where technology evolves at a rapid pace, criminals are quick to adapt, developing increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities within financial systems and testing the boundaries of traditional KYC practices. How can compl...

Open Banking - PSD2: the future of financial services

FinTechFinancial InstitutionsPSD2NPPSEUFacebookEurope

The future of banking is changing and Open Banking is an emerging trend that will evolve the banking world and lead the sector to a digital era. Open Banking transition explainedAccording to the definition provided by "Open Banking Europe", the t...

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