Lisa Renier, Junior Consultant

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Lisa Renier

With Pideeco since July, 2022
Lisa is a junior consultant who joined Pideeco in July 2022. After specialising in geopolitical risk management, she was then introduced to the basic scope of compliance and financial regulation. Lisa's ambition and motivation provide her with a positive attitude when learning new skills.
Rigorous and dynamic, Lisa is not afraid to work in a fast-paced environment in order to achieve new goals and challenges. She enjoys working as part of a team and she is genuinely keen to develop new skills while doing her best to provide organisations with professional insights regarding compliance and financial risk management.

More work

How to write the perfect SAR?

Anti Money LaunderingAMLAudit FindingsComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial SanctionsKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsRisk Based ApproachReportingTransaction Monitoring

Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) drafted by financial institutions contain some of the most valuable information available to law enforcement agencies in the fight against financial crime. Yet, the FinCEN Files scandal of 2020 has shown that major ...

VAT carousel: fiction or truth for financial institutions ?

VATCarousselEuropeKnow your CustomerKYCEuropean CommissionVIESBTWTVA

VAT Carousels - The look back in the transactions For several years there have been occasional stories of VAT carousels that are exposed after the facts and where banks then do a look back in the transactions on their systems to determine whether som...

How to set up an efficient whistleblowing channel?

WhistleblowingReportingComplianceFinancial InstitutionsTransparency

In today's corporate environment, transparency and ethical conduct are crucial, making whistleblowing channels vital for reporting unethical practices without fear of retaliation. An effective whistleblowing system promotes integrity and shields o...

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