Pideeco Network

Partners, Regulatory Experts, Data Specialists, Professional Economists, Business Engineers, Accountants and Lawyers

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Regulatory Compliance for Insurance and Reinsurance Firms

ReinsuranceSolvency IIPRIIPSKIDRiskFinancial solvencyTransparencyReportingGovernanceEthicsPrivacyFSMANBBBelgiumMiFID2Insurance

Insurance/reinsurance companies play an important role for the European economy. Many European countries, among them Belgium, are listed in the top 20 OECD countries with the highest gross insurance premiums, with Belgian premiums reaching around 30...

How important are audit trails for your company?

Financial firmsAuditEthicsGovernanceConduct RiskRegTechTransparencyFinancial InstitutionsAMLMiFID2KYC

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a p...

GDPR: inspiring data protection worldwide

ComplianceCompliance expertData Protection AuthorityData Protection WatchdogEUEuropean CommissionGDPRPrivacyPersonal DataData Security

Since its inception, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been deemed by experts as the world’s strongest collection of data protection rules. As our online presence increases through social media, digital banking, and other me...

Ruben Constantino David - Pideeco Network Partner

Ruben Constantino David

Junior Consultant

Sarah Quintana Martinez - Pideeco Network Partner

Sarah Quintana Martinez


Ana Pinto - Pideeco Network Partner

Ana Pinto


Hans Torres - Pideeco Network Partner

Hans Torres



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