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Financial institutions against money laundering | AML
AMLMoney LaunderingEUFinancial SanctionsEuropean Commission5AMLDFinancial InstitutionsAnti Money LaunderingEurope6AMLDIn recent years, the banking sector in the European Union has been shaken by different scandals related to money laundering. On July 24th, 2019, the European Commission published reports including one on the assessment of recent alleged money launde...
How has Russia circumvented sanctions?
CorruptionCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEuropeEuropean CommissionRussiaSanctionsFinancial SanctionsIn the contemporary political and economic landscape, relations between Russia and the European Union (EU) are a theater where complex games of power, influence and rivalry are played out. At the heart of these interactions are sanctions, instruments...
Financial greenwashing: the dark links between green bonds and corruption.
Financial operationsGreen CrimeTransparencyCorruptionGreen BondsEuropean Taxonomy CBSGBPEuGBFaced with the urgent challenge of climate change, green bonds are emerging as an innovative response to finance sustainable projects and encourage the transition to an environmentally friendly economy. However, the persistent threat of corruption un...