Laetitia Orfila, Junior Consultant
Laetitia Orfila
With Pideeco since January, 2023
Laetitia is a dynamic and resourceful individual with a solid background in economic and management sciences. With experience in entrepreneurship, award-winning projects in collaboration with international organizations, and practical skills gained in the banking sector, she brings a unique blend of creativity and analytical thinking to any endeavor. Passionate about sustainability and innovation, Laetitia is always eager to explore new ideas and challenges. Fluent in multiple languages, she thrives in diverse environments and is committed to making a positive impact in her professional and personal pursuits.
Laetitia graduated in 2024 with a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in management sciences from ULB's Solvay Business School. She also took part in a six-month exchange programme at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Career Achievements
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