Aurelie Vandenbulcke, Junior Consultant

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Aurelie Vandenbulcke

With Pideeco since September, 2023
Aurélie Vandenbulcke is a highly motivated newcomer, taking her first steps into the world of finance with ambition and dynamism. With an insatiable appetite for knowledge, she is determined to master the intricacies of AML and KYC.
Aurélie joined Pideeco in September 2023 as a Financial Crime Junior Consultant immediately after completing her Master’s degree in Business Economics with a specialization in European and International Business at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. Her curiosity, open-mindedness, and enterprising spirit drive her to pursue continuous learning and growth at Pideeco, making her a valued member of the team.

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More work

The KYC Guide for Russian Professional Counterparties

ComplianceFinancial firmsKYCAMLRisk Based ApproachRussiaFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEurope

How to conduct KYC on Russian Counterparties ?Doing business with Russian entities in non-sanctioned sectors of the economy requires some specific attention points regarding client due diligence (the risk exposure assessment process of clients to mon...

Look up company VAT number in Europe

VATTVAVIESAnti Money LaunderingAMLEuropeBTWKYCKnow your Customer

How to find the VAT number of a counterparty or customer ?How can you, as a company or obliged entity, search for the VAT number of a counterparty or customer? Whether you are a company that has to check whether your counterparty is subject to VAT...

Financial institutions against money laundering | AML

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In recent years, the banking sector in the European Union has been shaken by different scandals related to money laundering. On July 24th, 2019, the European Commission published reports including one on the assessment of recent alleged money launde...

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