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CSRD: Are you really ready for the new era of CSR reporting?

CSRDNFRDEuropeEnvironmentalTransparencySustainabilityEFRAGDirectiveDouble materiality

The Corporate sustainability reporting guideline (CSRD) is a new European regulation designed to enhance corporate transparency in terms of sustainable development. It replaces the Directive on the publication of non-financial and diversity-related ...

How to remotely identify clients and become PSD2 compliant?

PSD2EuropeDigitalFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEUComplianceFinancial firms

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published in June 2019 an : Opinion on the elements of strong customer authentication (SCA) under the revised : Payment Services Directive (PSD2) . The Opinion provides non-exhaustive lists of the authentication e...

Protection of Whistleblowers : What is the EU framework?

WhistleblowingEuropean CommissionTransparencyFinancial firmsData breachMoney LaunderingFinancial InstitutionsData SecurityFreedom of information

On March 12 2019, the European Parliament and European Union Member States made a provisional agreement on how to protect whistleblowers. This new agreement guarantees a higher level of protection for whistleblowers than the level given in the origin...

Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Network Partner

Jihane Ayasinen


Diogo Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Network Partner

Diogo Canario da Cunha

Senior Consultant

Ruben Constantino David - Pideeco Network Partner

Ruben Constantino David

Junior Consultant

Michel Cliquet - Pideeco Network Partner

Michel Cliquet

Senior Consultant


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