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The UBO Register in practice | Belgium

UBOUBO RegisterAMLFinancial InstitutionsOECDEuropeEUBelgium

Is the UBO Register useful during KYC processes?It was a tedious job to complete the UBO Register for companies. There were a number of start-up problems that made it difficult to transmit all the data on time. We were finally able to do so, but ...

Facebook & Diem: the sensational entry in the financial world

CryptocurrenciesBlockchainFacebookFinancial firmsFinTechRegTechMoney LaunderingDigitalAnti Money LaunderingTransparencyFinancial operations

By targeting approximately 1.7 billion people around the world who do not have access to a traditional bank account, the American firm Facebook aspires to rely on its 2.4 billion users to reach the forgotten and the destitute people of the convention...

What are worldwide AML regulations for cryptocurrency ?

5AMLDAMLBlockchainComplianceDigitalCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEUEuropeFATFGAFIKYCMoney LaunderingTerrorism FinancingRisk

The popularity of cryptocurrencies has risen significantly in recent years, with more individuals and businesses using them for a variety of purposes, including international money transfers and online purchases. In order to protect the integrity of ...

Stefano Siggia - Pideeco Network Partner

Stefano Siggia

Senior Consultant

Ruben Constantino David - Pideeco Network Partner

Ruben Constantino David

Junior Consultant

Piet De Vreese - Pideeco Network Partner

Piet De Vreese

Managing Director

Mariam Debaisieux - Pideeco Network Partner

Mariam Debaisieux



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