Vasiliki Karamousali, Senior Consultant

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Vasiliki Karamousali

With Pideeco since October, 2018
Vasiliki is focused on compliance and regulatory consulting services. Prior to moving into compliance, she was a consultant concerning the distribution of investment funds. She is a highly motivated professional, combining a solid academic background with a wealth of work experiences.
Vasiliki joined Pideeco in October 2018. Her academic background, combined with a variety of work experiences, helped her gain skills and qualifications which enable her to achieve the best in demanding projects.

More work

How to build an effective KYC program

AMLAuditCompliance expertComplianceDue DiligenceKnow your CustomerKYCPolitically Exposed Persons

In an era where technology evolves at a rapid pace, criminals are quick to adapt, developing increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities within financial systems and testing the boundaries of traditional KYC practices. How can compl...

How is real estate used for money laundering?

6AMLDAnti Money LaunderingCorruptionComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial SanctionsFinancial InstitutionsKnow your CustomerMoney Laundering

In February of 2022, Transparency International revealed that Russians linked to the Kremlin or with corruption charges had invested £1.5 billion in the UK property market, mostly through companies held in Britain’s overseas territories and crown...

VAT carousel: fiction or truth for financial institutions ?

VATCarousselEuropeKnow your CustomerKYCEuropean CommissionVIESBTWTVA

VAT Carousels - The look back in the transactions For several years there have been occasional stories of VAT carousels that are exposed after the facts and where banks then do a look back in the transactions on their systems to determine whether som...

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