Vasiliki Karamousali, Senior Consultant

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Vasiliki Karamousali

With Pideeco since October, 2018
Vasiliki is focused on compliance and regulatory consulting services. Prior to moving into compliance, she was a consultant concerning the distribution of investment funds. She is a highly motivated professional, combining a solid academic background with a wealth of work experiences.
Vasiliki joined Pideeco in October 2018. Her academic background, combined with a variety of work experiences, helped her gain skills and qualifications which enable her to achieve the best in demanding projects.

More work

How the EU’s DSA and DMA are redefining digital platform regulations

ConsultantFinancial InstitutionsDSADMADigital Service ActDigital Market Act regulationsgatekeeperFreedom of informationEuropean CommissionDigitalConsumer securityGoogle

The Big Four of technology—Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple—have become integral to our daily lives, influencing everything from simple online searches to the handling of our personal data. With their growing dominance and impact, these inter...

GDPR: inspiring data protection worldwide

ComplianceCompliance expertData Protection AuthorityData Protection WatchdogEUEuropean CommissionGDPRPrivacyPersonal DataData Security

Since its inception, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been deemed by experts as the world’s strongest collection of data protection rules. As our online presence increases through social media, digital banking, and other me...

Environmental Crimes & Money Laundering

EnvironmentalMoney Laundering6AMLDEUWhistleblowingGreen CrimeRed FlagsAML

The coronavirus pandemic has reinforced the hunger to urge world leaders to take consistent action to fight climate change. The yearning for a profound change and not a “back to normal” has been seen in the past months with the open letter signe...

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Kenza Kibour


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Andre Figueira De Carvalho

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