Vasiliki Karamousali, Senior Consultant

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Vasiliki Karamousali

With Pideeco since October, 2018
Vasiliki is focused on compliance and regulatory consulting services. Prior to moving into compliance, she was a consultant concerning the distribution of investment funds. She is a highly motivated professional, combining a solid academic background with a wealth of work experiences.
Vasiliki joined Pideeco in October 2018. Her academic background, combined with a variety of work experiences, helped her gain skills and qualifications which enable her to achieve the best in demanding projects.

More work

What is the impact of the EU whistleblowing legislation?

BelgiumComplianceData SecurityEuropeEUWhistleblowingTax HavensPersonal Data

Whistleblowing became a subject of concern when major consequences produced by Swiss Leaks and Lux Leaks made the case for a change in the European framework. In both cases, the whistleblowers worked for private companies prior to leaking information...

Which Financial Abuses are associated with Prepaid Cards ?

Money LaunderingNPPSFinancial firmsKYCAMLPrepaid CardsKnow your CustomerTerrorism FinancingFinancial InstitutionsAnti Money LaunderingRed Flags

Lately the 5th Anti-Money Laundering EU Directive (AMLD5) retained a particular interest on innovative instruments of payment, among which Prepaid Cards and digital currencies. In 2013 the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) had raised a non-binding ...

How are ESG-related assets used for greenwashing?

Audit FindingsComplianceEuropeEnvironmentalGreen CrimeMiFID2OECDUCITSTransparencyReportingFinancial firmsMIFID

With the rise of environmentally and socially conscious consumers, companies are under more pressure than ever to prove their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. In recent years, environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) h...

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