Anastasia Bidjocka, Junior Consultant

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Anastasia Bidjocka

With Pideeco since December, 2017
Anastasia is focused on compliance, notably the forensic auditing and risk assessment of companies seeking procedural improvements. The main elements of her work are compiling data and eliminating threats where confidentiality of company critical information may be exposed.
I joined Pideeco in December 2017 after graduating as a Business Engineer. I was introduced to elementary principles of Compliance regulation and technical guidelines in order to gain a good background. Thanks to my studies and internships, I gained experience in legal and complex economical stakeholder structures analysis, Business Strategy Development and Process Design, social communication platforms and Business operations.

More work

How are charities used for money laundering?

AMLAnti Money LaunderingCryptocurrenciesDue DiligenceEthicsFinancial SanctionsKnow your CustomerKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsTerrorism Financing

As funds flow into the hands of charities, an unsettling question arises: is your donation inadvertently fueling money laundering activities? While the noble intentions behind charitable giving inspires positive change, criminals have exploited the r...

How is artificial intelligence a challenge to GDPR?

ComplianceData breachData Protection AuthorityData SecurityEuropeEUGDPRPrivacyPersonal Data

In today's data-driven world, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and empowering businesses to unlock unprecedented opportunities. But this changing landscape has given rise to privacy and security i...

Psd2, Brexit & the rise of payment services market in Belgium

PSD2Compliance expertEUKYCBelgiumFinancial InstitutionsNBBFinancial firmsKnow your Customer

On the 6th of August 2019, the National Bank of Belgium ("NBB") published a press release announcing that in 2019, there was substantial growth of applications for the execution of payment activities in Belgium. A total of 34 companies are now licen...

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