Anastasia Bidjocka, Junior Consultant

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Anastasia Bidjocka

With Pideeco since December, 2017
Anastasia is focused on compliance, notably the forensic auditing and risk assessment of companies seeking procedural improvements. The main elements of her work are compiling data and eliminating threats where confidentiality of company critical information may be exposed.
I joined Pideeco in December 2017 after graduating as a Business Engineer. I was introduced to elementary principles of Compliance regulation and technical guidelines in order to gain a good background. Thanks to my studies and internships, I gained experience in legal and complex economical stakeholder structures analysis, Business Strategy Development and Process Design, social communication platforms and Business operations.

More work

The UBO Register in practice | Belgium

UBOUBO RegisterAMLFinancial InstitutionsOECDEuropeEUBelgium

Is the UBO Register useful during KYC processes?It was a tedious job to complete the UBO Register for companies. There were a number of start-up problems that made it difficult to transmit all the data on time. We were finally able to do so, but ...

AML Transaction Monitoring & Detection Scenarios

AMLTransaction MonitoringDue DiligenceRisk ManagementKYCFinancial firmsAnti Money LaunderingDetection ScenariosRegTechRisk Based ApproachCompliance expertRed Flags

Efficiently fine-tuning AML Transaction Monitoring can help financial firm's compliance teams to increase productivity while carefully avoiding pointless investigations by reducing the amount of false-positive alerts. The revision of AML detect...

AML - KYC : Impacts of the 4th AML Directive (AMLD4)

ComplianceFinancial firmsKYCAMLFinancial SanctionsPolitically Exposed PersonsEuropeEUEuropean CommissionAnti Money Laundering

What will be the impacts of implementation of the Fourth AML EU Directive (2015/849) ?Since 1991, the European Union has regularly implemented new anti-money laundering directives. On the 20th of May 2015, the European Parliament and the Council issu...

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