Diogo Canario da Cunha, Senior Consultant

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Diogo Canario da Cunha

With Pideeco since November, 2018
Diogo Canario Da Cunha is a dynamic and trusted colleague. Diogo helps firms to better engage with their audience and to improve their digital channels and environments based on data-driven insights. He has proven analytical experience in digital optimisation and marketing strategy for financial institutions.
Graduated in computer sciences, he is a pro-active quick learner with a keen interest in software development, digital analytics and data-visualisation. Diogo is entirely immune to stress. He is an efficient multi-tasker, well-organised and very hard working real financial & operations support professional.

More work

How is real estate used for money laundering?

6AMLDAnti Money LaunderingCorruptionComplianceDue DiligenceFinancial SanctionsFinancial InstitutionsKnow your CustomerMoney Laundering

In February of 2022, Transparency International revealed that Russians linked to the Kremlin or with corruption charges had invested £1.5 billion in the UK property market, mostly through companies held in Britain’s overseas territories and crown...

Financial greenwashing: the dark links between green bonds and corruption.

Financial operationsGreen CrimeTransparencyCorruptionGreen BondsEuropean Taxonomy CBSGBPEuGB

Faced with the urgent challenge of climate change, green bonds are emerging as an innovative response to finance sustainable projects and encourage the transition to an environmentally friendly economy. However, the persistent threat of corruption un...

Google can choose to not apply the right to be forgotten globally

GoogleGDPRPrivacyEuropean Court of JusticeEUPersonal DataFreedom of informationPreliminary rulingEuropeData Protection AuthorityTransparencyDigital

On 24 September 2019 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) released a preliminary decision according to which Google is not bound to apply the "right to be forgotten" or "de-referencing" globally. Google preliminary ruling caseIn May 2015, the Fren...

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