Momina Zahra, Junior Consultant

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AML Transaction Monitoring & Detection Scenarios

AMLTransaction MonitoringDue DiligenceRisk ManagementKYCFinancial firmsAnti Money LaunderingDetection ScenariosRegTechRisk Based ApproachCompliance expertRed Flags

Efficiently fine-tuning AML Transaction Monitoring can help financial firm's compliance teams to increase productivity while carefully avoiding pointless investigations by reducing the amount of false-positive alerts. The revision of AML detect...

VAT carousel: fiction or truth for financial institutions ?

VATCarousselEuropeKnow your CustomerKYCEuropean CommissionVIESBTWTVA

VAT Carousels - The look back in the transactions For several years there have been occasional stories of VAT carousels that are exposed after the facts and where banks then do a look back in the transactions on their systems to determine whether som...

How to build an effective KYC program

AMLAuditCompliance expertComplianceDue DiligenceKnow your CustomerKYCPolitically Exposed Persons

In an era where technology evolves at a rapid pace, criminals are quick to adapt, developing increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities within financial systems and testing the boundaries of traditional KYC practices. How can compl...

Michel Cliquet - Pideeco Network Partner

Michel Cliquet

Senior Consultant

Yassmina Berrayah - Pideeco Network Partner

Yassmina Berrayah


Camille Crouzet - Pideeco Network Partner

Camille Crouzet

Junior Consultant

Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Network Partner

Jihane Ayasinen



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