Pideeco Network

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How to set up a conflict of interest program

Conflict of interestComplianceAudit FindingsCorruptionEthicsFinancial firmsRed Flags

Imagine a situation in which the integrity of your organisation is corrupted by personal gain – how would you respond? In the field of business ethics, a strong conflict of interest program is the cornerstone that keeps an organization's reputat...

How to remotely identify clients and become PSD2 compliant?

PSD2EuropeDigitalFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEUComplianceFinancial firms

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published in June 2019 an : Opinion on the elements of strong customer authentication (SCA) under the revised : Payment Services Directive (PSD2) . The Opinion provides non-exhaustive lists of the authentication e...

Environmental Crimes & Money Laundering

EnvironmentalMoney Laundering6AMLDEUWhistleblowingGreen CrimeRed FlagsAML

The coronavirus pandemic has reinforced the hunger to urge world leaders to take consistent action to fight climate change. The yearning for a profound change and not a “back to normal” has been seen in the past months with the open letter signe...

Nnenna Eze - Pideeco Network Partner

Nnenna Eze


Drini Vula - Pideeco Network Partner

Drini Vula

Senior Consultant

Yassmina Berrayah - Pideeco Network Partner

Yassmina Berrayah


Ana Pinto - Pideeco Network Partner

Ana Pinto



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