Piet De Vreese, Managing Director
Piet De Vreese
With Pideeco since June, 2010
Prior to moving into compliance in 2010, Piet ran a network of bank branches in Belgium with specialization in Private Banking and the promotion of Insurance products for retail and business customers, having the license as broker and as agent in life and non-life products.
Piet has been developing global KYC programmes and other compliance projects in line with regulatory requirements (FATCA, EMIR, MiFID, Cross border) in the Eurozone and the UK. Since 2013, he successfully completed the Compliance Officer exam in line with applicable regulatory requirements. He has also dealt with supervisory authorities in Belgium and the United Kingdom in thematic and ARROW reviews.
Career Achievements
Managing Director at Pideeco bvba. Piet has a sound financial background. He is a certified Compliance Officer with experience in Wealth and Operations Management.
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