Camille Crouzet, Junior Consultant

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Camille Crouzet

With Pideeco since February, 2024
Camille is a recent graduate in Criminology from the Free University of Brussels. She joined Pideeco in early February 2024 following an internship in financial crime.

More work

AML Transaction Monitoring & Detection Scenarios

AMLTransaction MonitoringDue DiligenceRisk ManagementKYCFinancial firmsAnti Money LaunderingDetection ScenariosRegTechRisk Based ApproachCompliance expertRed Flags

Efficiently fine-tuning AML Transaction Monitoring can help financial firm's compliance teams to increase productivity while carefully avoiding pointless investigations by reducing the amount of false-positive alerts. The revision of AML detect...

How are shell companies used for money laundering?

AML5AMLDAnti Money LaunderingCorruptionComplianceEUEthicsKYCMoney LaunderingRed FlagsTax Havens

In 2016, Panama Papers exposed a vast database of 214.000 offshore shell companies used by a variety of individuals and companies for tax evasion, money laundering, and corruption. The scandal sent shockwaves across the world, revealing the detriment...

How can AML experts fight trade-base money laundering?

AMLComplianceRed FlagsTerrorism FinancingRiskFinancial SanctionsMoney Laundering

Beneath the seemingly ordinary surface of global commerce, criminals have created an underground world of complex schemes, where legitimate business transactions serve as a smokescreen for their illicit activities. How can anti-money laundering exper...

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Thomas Turcksin

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