Regulatory Compliance Journal

Financial crime and regulatory compliance information for professionals finance, legal and technology enthusiasts

GDPR Privacy Update: Fines, penalties and recent sanctions

It did not take long after the entry into force of GDPR on 25th May 2018 for many companies to revise their positions and business priorities following their initial scepticism towards the penalties that were to be imposed by the new regulation. The reality of the number of financial sanctions...

How to book a good consultant for your projects?

From an extra pair of hands to the person that advises on strategical decisions and the future of your company, consultants have become an important and integral part of companies and financial institutions all over world. The consultancy industry has grown exponentially in the past years. Sta...

EU proposals: cross-border distribution of investment funds

A Proposal for a Directive which will amend, the Directive 2009/65/EC (UCITS IV Directive) and the Directive 2011/61/EU (AIFMD), was adopted on 12 March 2018 by the European Commission. The aim of the new Directive will be to facilitate the cross-border distribution of investment funds and eli...

Conduct Risk - Changing governance principles

Conduct Risk has been the hot topic during the past few years and its scope falls outside the traditional domains of risk like liquidity, market, credit and operational risk. Looking at peers in the market will allow benchmarking and reflection if the company maintains the correct appetite, i...

Overview and Summary of the 5th AML Directive - AMLD5

In the past few years, many scandals related to money laundering have been recorded. For instance, the Panama Papers have shown how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their wealth. Big companies such as UBS and ABN AMRO are suspected of not complying with AML Directives by ignoring si...

Andre Figueira De Carvalho - Pideeco Member
Andre Figueira De Carvalho Junior Consultant
Piet De Vreese - Pideeco Member
Piet De Vreese Managing Director
Michel Cliquet - Pideeco Member
Michel Cliquet Senior Consultant
Nisrine Karafi - Pideeco Member
Nisrine Karafi Traineeship

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AML: What is adverse media or negative news?

Compliance, Anti Money Laundering, RegTech, Know your Customer, Red Flags, KYC, Due Diligence, AML, Money Laundering, KYC,

The digital era has given KYC analysts unprecedented access to a plethora of information on individuals and companies. Newspaper articles, online blogs, and social media are accessible and filterable with one click and may reveal important news on a ...

European Data Protection Authorities Websites [Compiled list]

Data Protection Authority, GDPR, National Personal Data Authority, Europe, Data Protection Watchdog, DPA, EDPB, Privacy,

The protection of privacy has grown to be of utmost importance in a society where our every action is digitally recorded and where personal information is exchanged like an untraceable currency. European Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) have launc...

Environmental Crimes & Money Laundering

Environmental, Money Laundering, 6AMLD, EU, Whistleblowing, Green Crime, Red Flags, AML,

The coronavirus pandemic has reinforced the hunger to urge world leaders to take consistent action to fight climate change. The yearning for a profound change and not a “back to normal” has been seen in the past months with the open letter signe...