Regulatory Compliance Journal

Financial crime and regulatory compliance information for professionals finance, legal and technology enthusiasts

How and why to embed AML Lookbacks within financial firms?

In recent years, regulators have begun to scrutinize more closely financial institutions regarding the soundness of their AML/CTF program, dissecting the nuts and bolts of their procedures and controls. But the current set-up isn’t what they are solely looking at. “Lookbacks” to past tr...

How do criminals launder their money using video games?

In the past decade, the video game industry has managed to dwarf the film, music, and television sectors. It’s estimated that there are currently 3 billion active gamers across the globe who have roughly spent $198,6 billion on games in 2022 alone. As common channels for money launderi...

How is BMR changing the landscape of benchmarks?

The recent creation of Benchmark Regulation has been the catalyst for a major transition from the old regime of benchmarks towards new and alternative reference rates set to transform the world of finance. In the past years, a global benchmark reform process has been creating a shift from the ...

How do criminals launder their money using the Dark Web?

Drug trade and illegal markets on the dark web have grown exponentially. Criminals are finding new and original ways to launder money generated from their illicit activities. The dark web is an encrypted part of the internet that hosts online content not indexed by conventional search engines....

How important are audit trails for your company?

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a relevant chronological recording of actions, a set of files, or the destination of a collection of records that represent a sequence of successive activities or events within an operational environment, a procedure or any other process. This step b...

Camille Crouzet - Pideeco Member
Camille Crouzet Junior Consultant
Aurelie Vandenbulcke - Pideeco Member
Aurelie Vandenbulcke Junior Consultant
Oscar Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Member
Oscar Canario da Cunha Managing Director
Yassmina Berrayah - Pideeco Member
Yassmina Berrayah Traineeship

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Financial institutions against money laundering | AML

AML, Money Laundering, EU, Financial Sanctions, European Commission, 5AMLD, Financial Institutions, Anti Money Laundering, Europe, 6AMLD,

In recent years, the banking sector in the European Union has been shaken by different scandals related to money laundering. On July 24th, 2019, the European Commission published reports including one on the assessment of recent alleged money launde...

How are shell companies used for money laundering?

AML, 5AMLD, Anti Money Laundering, Corruption, Compliance, EU, Ethics, KYC, Money Laundering, Red Flags, Tax Havens,

In 2016, Panama Papers exposed a vast database of 214.000 offshore shell companies used by a variety of individuals and companies for tax evasion, money laundering, and corruption. The scandal sent shockwaves across the world, revealing the detriment...

Google can choose to not apply the right to be forgotten globally

Google, GDPR, Privacy, European Court of Justice, EU, Personal Data, Freedom of information, Preliminary ruling, Europe, Data Protection Authority, Transparency, Digital,

On 24 September 2019 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) released a preliminary decision according to which Google is not bound to apply the "right to be forgotten" or "de-referencing" globally. Google preliminary ruling caseIn May 2015, the Fren...