Regulatory Compliance Journal

Financial crime and regulatory compliance information for professionals finance, legal and technology enthusiasts

What are Hawala transactions and how do they work?

In February 2019, another criminal group was arrested in Europe for laundering money through hawala transactions. Based on the Europol press release, the cooperation between French and Italian police led to the arrest of 19 suspects. Algerian authorities also seized gold for almost the equivale...

How do criminals launder their money using the Dark Web?

Drug trade and illegal markets on the dark web have grown exponentially. Criminals are finding new and original ways to launder money generated from their illicit activities. The dark web is an encrypted part of the internet that hosts online content not indexed by conventional search engines....

AML Transaction Monitoring & Detection Scenarios

Efficiently fine-tuning AML Transaction Monitoring can help financial firm's compliance teams to increase productivity while carefully avoiding pointless investigations by reducing the amount of false-positive alerts. The revision of AML detection scenarios is not a straightforward proces...

AML EWRA - How to conduct Anti-Money Laundering overall risk assessment?

The Enterprise-Wide Risk Assessment (EWRA) or Overall Risk Assessment has become a regulatory obligation from an EU and Belgian perspective for all credit institutions, stockbroking firms, licensed insurance companies and banking industries submitted to the Anti-Money Laundering regulation. ...

Inside RegTech - Regulatory Compliance Technology

🎬 Introduction to RegTech and Regulatory ComplianceThe worldwide economic repercussions of the 2008 financial crisis led regulators to strengthen their regulations and controls against the financial market operators. Today, financial institutions are facing a challenging regulatory landscape...

Chloe Cauchois - Pideeco Member
Chloe Cauchois Junior Consultant
Jihane Ayasinen - Pideeco Member
Jihane Ayasinen Traineeship
Andre Figueira De Carvalho - Pideeco Member
Andre Figueira De Carvalho Junior Consultant
Piet De Vreese - Pideeco Member
Piet De Vreese Managing Director

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The hidden costs of golden visas

AML, KYC, Europe, Monitoring, Privacy, Reporting, Investment, 5AMLD, Russia, Transparency, Financial Sanctions, Due Diligence, Corruption, Financial Institutions,

Over the past years, the golden visa has seen a surge in participation in its programmes. But along with its rising popularity, corruption and AML risks have also seeped into its core. Many argue that citizenship is a public good, not a commodity for...

How effective are AML fines?

Anti Money Laundering, Audit Findings, Compliance, Due Diligence, Financial Institutions, Financial firms, Money Laundering, Risk Based Approach,

Considered a strong deterrent against financial crime, AML fines seem to be little more than symbolic slaps on the wrist for financial institutions with vast pockets. With trillions of dollars being freely laundered every year and ambiguous structura...

What are the impacts of Financial Data Leaks?

Politically Exposed Persons, 6AMLD, DPA, Transparency, Data Security, Know your Customer, European Commission, Data breach, Digital, Money Laundering, Corruption,

In the past decade, a series of leaks from insider sources have shed light on the complex systems of money laundering, tax evasion, and fraud perpetrated by certain countries and wealthy individuals. The profound work carried out by international jo...