Regulatory Compliance Journal

Financial crime and regulatory compliance information for professionals finance, legal and technology enthusiasts

In February 2019, another criminal group was arrested in Europe for laundering money through hawala transactions. Based ...

In the contemporary political and economic landscape, relations between Russia and the European Union (EU) are a theater...

Since its inception, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been deemed by experts as the world’s st...

In recent years, the banking sector in the European Union has been shaken by different scandals related to money launder...

It did not take long after the entry into force of GDPR on 25th May 2018 for many companies to revise their positions an...

On March 12 2019, the European Parliament and European Union Member States made a provisional agreement on how to protec...

In the past few years, many scandals related to money laundering have been recorded. For instance, the Panama Papers hav...

Since 1991, the European Union has regularly updated and released new anti-money laundering directives to adapt to and b...

What will be the impacts of implementation of the Fourth AML EU Directive (2015/849) ?Since 1991, the European Union has...

With the convenience of online shopping and the ability to purchase goods and services from anywhere in the world, e-com...

VAT Carousels - The look back in the transactions For several years there have been occasional stories of VAT carousels ...

The recent creation of Benchmark Regulation has been the catalyst for a major transition from the old regime of benchmar...

In 2017, the European Council emphasized the need to address artificial intelligence (AI) trends while maintaining high ...

In the past decade, a series of leaks from insider sources have shed light on the complex systems of money laundering, t...

On November 12, 2018, the European Parliament issued new rules to strengthen the fight against money laundering through ...

A Proposal for a Directive which will amend, the Directive 2009/65/EC (UCITS IV Directive) and the Directive 2011/61/EU...

16 articles matching european commission tag

How to improve compliance culture?

A strong compliance culture helps to establish the foundation for a lasting positive impact for a company, its employees, and its clients by achieving ethical practices, clear values, and the respect of local and international legislation. Despite its benefits and legal necessity, most companie...

How to set up a conflict of interest program

Imagine a situation in which the integrity of your organisation is corrupted by personal gain – how would you respond? In the field of business ethics, a strong conflict of interest program is the cornerstone that keeps an organization's reputation intact. With it, transparency isn't ju...

How will the EU AI Act impact financial services?

In 2017, the European Council emphasized the need to address artificial intelligence (AI) trends while maintaining high standards for data protection and ethics. By 2023, concerns about ChatGPT's misuse led to Italy's temporary ban. The European Union (EU) is now working on the AI Act to ...

How to conduct KYC on companies

Corporate entities, with their complex networks and multifaceted operations, can become havens for criminal activity. Illicit money and unlawful actions can be hidden within layers of transactions across subsidiaries and partnerships, obscure beneficial owners, and dubious front businesses. How...

How has Russia circumvented sanctions?

In the contemporary political and economic landscape, relations between Russia and the European Union (EU) are a theater where complex games of power, influence and rivalry are played out. At the heart of these interactions are sanctions, instruments often used to express disagreement, inflict ...

Andre Figueira De Carvalho - Pideeco Member
Andre Figueira De Carvalho Junior Consultant
Diogo Canario da Cunha - Pideeco Member
Diogo Canario da Cunha Senior Consultant
Manon Rase - Pideeco Member
Manon Rase Junior Consultant
Omar Morabet Chergui - Pideeco Member
Omar Morabet Chergui Traineeship

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What is good corporate governance?

Conduct Risk, Governance, Compliance expert, Compliance, Financial firms, Financial Institutions, Consultant,

Corporate governance standards are a framework within which operational and behavioural standards for the board, the executive management and the wider staff are set. Hierarchy in harmony. It comes largely with an accountability movement, better mana...

VAT carousel: fiction or truth for financial institutions ?

VAT, Caroussel, Europe, Know your Customer, KYC, European Commission, VIES, BTW, TVA,

VAT Carousels - The look back in the transactions For several years there have been occasional stories of VAT carousels that are exposed after the facts and where banks then do a look back in the transactions on their systems to determine whether som...

How can criminology help us understand white collar crime?

Corruption, Money Laundering, Politically Exposed Persons, Red Flags, Risk Based Approach, White Collar Crime, Criminology, Occupational Fraud,

Though rare in corporate or finance environments, criminology offers valuable insights. Despite "white-collar crime" often costing more than street crime, society tends to overlook it. Analyzing corporate misconduct through a crimilogical lens reveal...