Vasiliki Karamousali, Senior Consultant

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Vasiliki Karamousali

With Pideeco since October, 2018
Vasiliki is focused on compliance and regulatory consulting services. Prior to moving into compliance, she was a consultant concerning the distribution of investment funds. She is a highly motivated professional, combining a solid academic background with a wealth of work experiences.
Vasiliki joined Pideeco in October 2018. Her academic background, combined with a variety of work experiences, helped her gain skills and qualifications which enable her to achieve the best in demanding projects.

More work

How to remotely identify clients and become PSD2 compliant?

PSD2EuropeDigitalFinancial InstitutionsFinancial operationsEUComplianceFinancial firms

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published in June 2019 an : Opinion on the elements of strong customer authentication (SCA) under the revised : Payment Services Directive (PSD2) . The Opinion provides non-exhaustive lists of the authentication e...

What are financial crime threats in the metaverse?

Anti Money LaunderingComplianceData breachDigitalDue DiligenceFATFKnow your CustomerKYCMoney LaunderingPersonal Data

Facebook made a splash in October 2021 when it rebranded itself to Meta and announced an investment of $10 billion to create its own metaverse project. But the tech giant is just a drop in a larger ocean. It is estimated that over 160 companies, inc...

The hidden costs of golden visas

AMLKYCEuropeMonitoringPrivacyReportingInvestment5AMLDRussiaTransparencyFinancial SanctionsDue DiligenceCorruptionFinancial Institutions

Over the past years, the golden visa has seen a surge in participation in its programmes. But along with its rising popularity, corruption and AML risks have also seeped into its core. Many argue that citizenship is a public good, not a commodity for...

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